DIY amazing idea associated with the current aura on the window! Such jewelry can be very simple and easy way to do it, or even get involved to help children!
To perform this magic, autumn acorn “collection” of need:
– a few acorns
– bright, preferably with a pearl gloss nail polish
– beads, pearls, crystals
– sharp knife
– earring finding, old pendants or necklaces (depending on your needs)
See these pictures, and certainly the effect will be beautiful.
Note: The interior of the acorn caps, before painting can be filled – for example, salt mass, or color modeline (if needed)
Good luck!
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
jewelry from acorns DIY
Photo source: stonewoodgrass.wordpress.com