This time as a unique Christmas tree decoration, I propose decorations in the style of “ombre,” (fr. shadow). It’s about gradation of colors and it’s not really hard to do, so children can be involved. It can be fun for the whole family, and it can also bring you a special christmas atmosphere! This ombre baubles will look beautifuly on the table!
To make “ombre” baubles you’ll need dye powder, or glass paints and twine. Pour the dye into the bowl and immerse the baubles in the paint. Hold for a few minutes. To make an ombre effect immerse the baubles in two colors of paint. Use paper towel to dry (hang baubles using twine). Finished! Feel free to chose colors.
“ombre style” baubles
“ombre style” baubles DIY
dye for glass
“ombre style” baubles DIY
turquoise “ombre” glasses
dichroic glasses
beautiful “ombre glasses”
“ombre” glasses on Christmas table
gold transparent glasses
two colored service
shaded vases as a decoration
handmade vases in ombre style
vases in ombre style DIY
vases in ombre style DIY
vases in ombre style DIY
transparent gold vases
vases in ombre style DIY
golden vases in ombre style DIY
Photo sources: etsy.com, redlinevintage.com, decorpad.com, westelm.com, thepinkdoormat.blogspot.com, shelterness.com, twotwentyone.net