Decorations for St. Andrew’s Day

St. Andrew’s Day is a time of divination and having fun. Time very mystical, but also full of hope and optimism. Climate and background for St. Andrew’s Day – it’s of course DECORATION! Magic climate, mystery, but friendly atmosphere. Lit candles everywhere, the more – the better. Candles used for divination, will be also  a beautiful decoration.





decorations for St. Andrew’s Day


Decorate the room in which will be held divination. In addition to candles, take care of the objects evocative of magic, such as: a deck of black cards, or the tarot, transparent balls, or lights. Also look great stones for divination, old coins, or big, old keys, which are mainly associated with this date:







decorations for St. Andrew’s Day


decorations for St. Andrew’s Day


decorations for St. Andrew’s Day 

