When planning a ceremony (wedding, anniversary, birthday, prom, christening, etc..) You try to choose the best place. Important is the distance from place to place, menu, the size of the room, the possibility of renting rooms, opinions about the site, the rental price and customer care course.
We have a list of the most popular destinations for events based on all the forums, popularity rankings, number of positive reviews on the internet and increased interest among potential customers. These include hotels, restaurants, wedding houses, inns, and any other place. This will present you by our beautiful Polish regions 🙂
Lower Silesia very popular are mainly wedding halls and restaurants in Wroclaw (Duet Karczma Rzym, Casa Nuova, Finezja) and Restaurant Retro Żórawina.
Casa Nuova in Wroclaw
In Kujawsko-Pomorskie far the most popular rooms include Silver Tavern in Torun, Torun Agrokotlina in Brzozówka, restaurant Łuczniczka in Bydgoszcz, Bydgoszcz Park Hotel and Tavern Orbaś in Szpiegowo.
Restaurant Łuczniczka in Bydgoszcz
In the province of Lublin good reputation and popular: Wedding House Gorzelnia in Piaski, restaurant Calvados in Lublin, restaurant Koncertowa and restaurant Jedlina also in Lublin.
Wedding House Gorzelnia in Piaski
In Lubuskie as the most popular recommends: Wedding and Conference Centre Wrzosowisko in Zielona Gora, a restaurant Figaro in Zielona Gora, Marriage Hall in Bogumiłowo, and Willa Park in Żagań.
Restaurant Figaro in Zielona Gora
Popular in the Łódź region include: Amadeusz Wedding House and Dwór Artusa in Lodz, Korona Wedding House in Drzewica and wedding halls: Julia and Vilanów in Tomaszów Mazowiecki
Artus Manor in Lodz
In Malopolska for attention deserve: Paszkówka Palace, Hotel Fortuna Bis in Krakow, Hotel and Conference Centre Witek in Krakow, Karczma nad Podołem in Koninki.
Paszkówka Palace
Popular in Mazowieckie are: Adamczyk Center & Adamczyk Catering in Warsaw, Esencja wedding house in Kolonia Lesznowska, Gościniec Pod Jesionem in Wyszków, Hotel Lord in Warsaw.
Lord Hotel in Warsaw
In the Opole province: Hotel Chrobry in Pokrzywna, restaurant Trio in Opole.
Restaurant Trio in Opole
Podkarpackie: Hotel Bengol in Krosno, Hotel Krosno Nafta in Krosno, wedding hall Piastowe Dorado in Miejsce Piastowe, Hotel Imperial in Jasło.
Imperial Hotel in Jasło
Popular in Podlaskie are: Niecikowscy Katering in Grajewo, Sala Bankietowa Szczęsny in Ciechanowiec and Trivento in Korycin.
Trivento in Korycin
In Pomorskie popular wedding rooms are located in Gdansk (Hotel Bartan), Pomlewo (Kozi Gród) and Sopot (Villa Aqua).
Kozi Gród in Pomlewo
In Silesia region popular are: Gospoda Polska in Szczyrk, Restaurant Trzy Światy in Gliwice and Pod Grzybkiem in Zawady.
Restaurant Trzy Światy in Gliwice
Swietokrzyskie: Hotel & Restaurant Leśny Dwór in Kielce, Hotel Miedziana Góra in Miedziana Góra.
Restaurant & Hotel Trzy Światy in Gliwice
Warmia and Mazury are popular with: Finezja in Kętrzyn, Villa Pallas in Olsztyn and restaurant Zakątki Europy in Olsztyn.
Villa Pallas in Olsztyn
In Wielkopolska: Almarco hotel in Środa Wielkopolska, Hotel-Restaurant Alexandra in Pobiedziska, as well as the wedding room in Pensjonat Siodło in Wilcze.
Almarco hotel in Środa Wielkopolska
And in West Pomerania popular wedding rooms are in the Hotel Restaurant Wenus in Kobylanka, Kantyna Portowa in Szczecin and Feta Fabryka Smaków in Szczecin.
Kantyna Portowa in Szczecin
All the above are just a few rooms popular places among the numerous celebrations throughout the country, and their popularity has been included in the above post based on a large amount of positive feedback on the forums.